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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Let's Talk! (discussion)

Femlin says let's let's!


  1. Lemme get this started........

    To answer "samantha_erickson's" Question :

    "So it seems like Y! groups is becoming unusable quickly. I can barely read anything, much less post. Just in case this gets through, I'm curious if there is a fallback plan for discussion when the group finally dies. Even if it's just a manual mailing list with our addresses, I'll be happy to join."

    Why yes Sam......Yes indeed!

  2. I suggested to create a Google group for discussion and Google drive to upload the archives containing the filefactory links as we did in Y groups

  3. Hi Big Bob and Others. Nice to be here.

  4. Btw, I have not said thank you BBN for all your effort of these years: sharing PB stuff, making this blog and trying to keep the community alive

  5. Thanks for the kind words Lexer.....
    as to the answer to your question.......Not anymore than our group has
    ever been in the past, and most likely less, as there is at this moment
    (12) followers in this blog, yet over 5000 in our Yahoo group.

  6. Personally.....I think that the pictures add more to this "group",
    as well as being able to make comments on the very posts themselves.
    I believe that we can have almost as much content as we ever had in
    group, albeit minus full movies, but I've another blog for those, called

    "Playmates in the Movies", I also am not sure how to go about creating

    "Individual Playmates Folders", as there are WAY too many to create a

    page for every single Playmate. I am open to ideas though, so if anyone

    has any......speak up! lol

    1. Thank you BBN for making this blog as an alaternative to the Y Group

    2. About the Individual Playmates Folder (IPMF) I guess the main issue is to organize all the pictures of every PM. I'd suggest this:
      1. Every PM folder should should be sorted by year and month
      2. Folders should contain the basic subsections: PM profile, Xtra, Bodcast where she features, SE
      3. As many of this material has already been uploaded here, the folder should contain a link to the corresponding blog post

      Here is an example:

      IPMF Amanda Paige
      Video profile:
      link to PM profiles 2000's

      PB Xtra
      link to Playmate Xtras 2006-2012

      SE (fresh face, casting call, COED)
      Download link if she has any SE video

      Link to Bodcast post in this blog

      The idea is to use the work done here and use lnks posted here when applicable and to upload whatever is missing

      we can elaborate further

    3. Well.......much easier said than done my friend!

    4. Also.......this is a Playmate VIDEO blog.....not picture blog.

  7. Getting lots and lots of downloads, but not too many followers........
    Just hit that FOLLOW button in the top corner!

  8. As it is's pretty simple. Each and every decade of Playmate
    profiles are listed on the "Playmate Video Links" page. Simply click
    on the decade listed, to go to that page.

  9. Yahoo jumping the gun.....

    Just read this : "Since Yahoo doesn't operate or maintain any Yahoo Groups..."

  10. BBN, thanks for keeping this alive. It is a valuable resource. I will try to think of ways I may contribute something useful.

    Again and as always, Thank you.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Big Bob. For Amberleigh West and Kristy Garett, their BTS videos can be used as profiles. So then we should be left with less than five Playmates from this decade who do not have profile videos.

    2. Thanks again JDee.....hadn't realized that the 2016 non-NUDE girls

      had that good of videos, if any at all. Working on them as we speak!

    3. Big time thanks to JDee, for we now have the FULL year of 2016

      Playmate Profiles, along with additions to the years 2017 & 2018!

    4. Thanks again Big Bob. Glad to be able to contribute. I see that you have added the profile for Miss March 2016 as well which I had not found earlier. So for this decade I understand that we are missing just three profiles - Miss June 2017 Elsie Hewitt, Miss January 2018 Kayla Garvin and Miss February 2018 Megan Samperi.

    5. I thought not all PM post 2015 had a video profile

    6. Possible but if only three of them had no videos at all of this kind that would be a little strange I suppose.

    7. I can live with out Kayla Garvin and Megan Samperi, but it's nothing
      short of a SIN to do without Elsie Hewitt.

    8. One of the best post February 2016 is Megan Moore. Agree?

    9. Megan Moore would be a Playmate in any year

  12. Check 'em out!

  13. Hi Bob, Does this group have any of the Badass vids with Jacqueline Swedberg in them?

    1. I reckon we could......which ones specifically are you looking for?

    2. in which season which episodes?

    3. I think it was season 1 episodes 7 and 9 that I am looking for. She was in a bunch of the ones in season 1.

    4. Actually, I think I am looking for episodes 7,9 and 10

    5. how about all of them!

    6. Big Bob, you are amazing! Absolutely in awe. We are lucky you are owning this group.

    7. Big Bob, thanks a lot. Does anyone know which episodes have which Playmates? Other than Jaclyn Swedberg I vaguely recall Nikki Leigh was there as well. Is there any writing available mentioning the models featured in each episode?

    8. This was found on IMDB so I do not know how accurate it is.

      Jaclyn Swedberg Season 1 Episodes 5, 7, 8, 10, 11
      Nikki Leigh Season 2 Episode 6

      I think the above 2 are the only Playmates that did Badass!

    9. Thanks. I also thought of IMDB after posting this message. In addition to what you have mentioned it seems Tamara Witmer was in the very first episode.

    10. You may not like her.....but Danni Mathers was in this too.

    11. I was trying to avoid the elephant in the room but its obviously not easy. :)

    12. Oh yeah, I forgot about Danni Mathers. At least I try to forget about her...

  14. BTW, if anyone hasn't downloaded Patagonia, do it. These are good videos!

  15. Merry Xmas everyone......and Happy Holidays!

  16. about some ideas about what should come next?

    1. Bpb whatever you want is fine by me!

    2. What about creating folders of cyber girls ?

    3. Well.....we could do Cyber Girls.....but not unless they end up becoming Playmates

    4. How about of you guys that actually knows....give me

      a list of all of the Cyber girls that have gone on to be Playmates,

      and we'll have a place to begin with.

    5. I was working on it. Here it is

      I have a question: what about those fantastic cyber girl who never became a PM. For instance Gia Ramey-Gay

    6. Not only Gia......several more I'd take that were cyber girls that never made Playmate.....

      Unfortunately.....this group (or blog) is all about Playmates.

    7. Don't forget Coed of the Month. I can only think of one: Juliette Frette. I think Amanda Paige is another.

    8. Amy Leigh Andrews was CotM in October 2008, and PotM in April 2010.

    9. Juliette Frette and Amy Leigh Andrews were Coeds of the Month. Amanda Paige was Coed of the Week. The other Coeds of the Week to become Playmates are Heather Rene Smith, Crystal Harris, Rainy Day Jordan and Amelia Talon.

  17. Not just cyber girls there is so much beauty in the Playboy ranks be it coeds, girls network, special editions or international models. We could easily make a Playmate case for several of them. That's why it enrages me so much when someone low down in the ranks is picked to be a Playmate and even more so if she is made the PMOY. It seems so unfair to so many others in the ranks who were clearly way superior to her.

    1. It's kind of always been that way though Jdee. Except for the Cyber
      Girls I mean. I always thought of a girl being a "Cyber Girl", basically
      being in the minor leagues, trying to work her way up. Obviously it
      was never that way nor meant to be that way though.

    2. That is true but quite often when cyber girls were promoted to be Playmates they proved that they belonged there. In fact several of them showed massive improvement. At the same time it will forever be an unfortunate truth that there were some exquisite beauties who very likely would have made superb Playmates but were continuously ignored for unknown reasons.

    3. But some of those CGOMs were asked to be Playmates and turned it down because of restrictions from what I remember. What really sucks is how fast it all went down from the CC going to PP and the whole structure of the magazine and Playmate selections go horrible since it did the temporary non-nude phase. Gia is just one who would have been awesome to be a Playmate.

  18. One suggestion for a potentially lively discussion is all of us pick models from the ranks who in our eyes were easily worthy of being Playmates. Maybe even a game where we take one name at a time. One person suggests a name. Others post their opinion of her. Then another person comes up with a different name. Once we have a considerable number of names we could even do a polling and ranking of some kind.

    1. How about this? One of us names a model who we strongly feel should have been a Playmate. Others post their opinions about her. This continues for a week or two and then someone names another model. The discussion about each model happens in a different thread. The first model I am naming is Christine Veronica. It would be nice to hear opinions on her and after some time we can move to a second model whose name someone else can suggest. So on this can continue if enough people here show interest in it.

    2. Not a bad idea. Can get a discussion going

    3. Nice to see some interest in this. So what are your thoughts about Christine Veronica?

  19. Ya'll wanted some Cyber Girls...we've got Cyber Girls! (That have gone
    one to become Playmates that is!)

  20. I am really curious about the Playboy Girls Network. Can anyone answer these questions of mine?
    1. When did PGN first begin?
    2. When did Playboy.Net begin?
    3. When did Playboy.Net get renamed to Special Editions club?
    4. When did PGN and SE Club merge into one?
    5. PGN had six sections - All Naturals, Busty Babes, Fresh Faces, Sexy Wives, Student Bodies and Women of Playboy. All of them did not begin together, right?
    6. In what order were these sections launched and the approximate time frame for each one's launch?
    7. Several cyber girls appeared in Sexy Wives and Women of Playboy. I understand that for most this appearance happened after their cyber girl stint. Any cyber girls who made such appearances before their cyber girl stint?
    8. A few of the most popular cyber girls (e.g. Jennifer Hurt) never featured in PGN. Does anyone have any information about some cyber girl having refused PGN or not been offered any features there for whatever reason?
    9. PGN had some regular interviewers. I have seen Heather Rae Young, Erin Heidrich and Kristy Joe Muller. Any other interviewers anyone is aware of, especially among well known Playboy models?
    10. PGN shots had a different PGN logo at the bottom right as opposed to the generic Playboy logo. I noticed that somewhere towards the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011 that logo disappeared and was replaced by the default Playboy logo. Anyone has any more information related to that?

    1. Too many questions, my friend. I have no idea for many of them. I only know that there used to be the cyberclub and PGN sites paralell to pb+. Cyberclub and PGN were shutdown in 2015...

    2. Never mind. Thanks for the reply. I got almost all the answers from a member of another forum.

  21. I strongly recommend Carlotta Champagne's Patreon ( Sign up right at the beginning of the month for just $1. Incidentally that is today. :) If you somehow do not like it enough just delete your membership anytime before April 1st. During this time, explore the archives as thoroughly as possible. I had found a lot of freebies there and I hope it's all still there. She updates at least twice a week with a fresh picture, some of which are partial or even full nudes. She also shares details about what's going on in her life. If you are a fan of hers as I am then that is an added benefit. If you are really lucky she may even do an hour long live stream which might even involve nudity. If you happen to sign up do share your impressions by replying to my post.

    1. She has spent close to fifteen years in the glamour industry non-stop without taking any sabbatical. During this time she has created a myriad of images rich in both quality and quantity, many of which are a sight for sore eyes. After all these years she still looks incredibly beautiful like these years have gone without leaving any mark on her body. She recently did a live stream Q&A in which she answered many questions, several of which were yours truly's. :) Before that she had done a live stream in which she tries on several costumes. When she changes from one to the other she removes or changes the inner wear as well and she does all this happily facing the viewers. The nudity was breathtaking, as was the whole stream for that matter.

    2. Never heard of Carlotta JDee. But if we're going to start talking
      about non-Playmates, I can think of a chitload that I HAVE heard of.

    3. Big Bob, it's acceptable to talk about non-Playmates here, right? Videos of course have to be about Playmates.

  22. Replies
    1. About damn time bud! Welcome!

    2. Couldn't find anyone who knew the link for this, couldn't message you on VEF, and Yahoo wouldn't let me comment before the group shut down. Nice to see you kept the legacy going...

    3. and VEF have parted ways.

    4. Nice to hear from you after such a long time. Hope all is well.

    5. WB lonewolf! Long time no hear from you. Hope things are well and will start routinely hearing from you again.

    6. Thank you Deepak and dopey... Bob seems to have this well in hand now (and blogs like this are single person jobs). I'll be dropping by, adding my two cents from time to time...

  23. Hello BBN have you thought about rebuilding the pb wiki?

    1. Sorry Arnold.....that's out of my realm!

    2. So let's begin the decade of the '20s.....

      The first three Playmates of 2020 are now posted!

    3. Check 'em out and lemme know what ya'll think about them!

    4. Hi BBN I have been disconected this weeks due to work and lockdown. Thank you very much for sharing the material. However I dont like the 2020 girls. Simply I dont find them attractive. Hope next PMates be better

    5. Big Bob, I'll check them out soon. Thanks for sharing.

    6. About the 2020 gals seems nowadays just about anyone can become a Playmate. What does that term at all mean any more? On what basis are Playmates chosen? Who could be rejected for Playmate? Maybe only a lady who is too beautiful to fit in well with the current crop.

    7. Welp become a Playboy Playmate in the
      2020's, a girl has to be different. By that I mean for instance a
      BBW..aka Big Beautiful Woman. Which I guess is what Miss January is
      supposed to be. She's certainly got the Big part figured out. Another way to be different, is to have been born a man. What we
      have now?.....2 stinkin' playmates that were once men??? Sigh....
      I really, Really, REALLY thought, that once Hef's son took over,
      that things would get halfway back to normal, but Cooper didn't
      seem to know his ass from a hole in the ground, on the selection
      of a Playmate, nor does the fool that replaced him. I could go on
      and on about this, but I won't.

    8. Big Bob, I feel you. You are right that Cooper has left. I am not sure how influential he ever was. In a sense I don't know why this product is still being manufactured. Who wants it to be made? Who wants to purchase it? Who can possibly make any money out of it?

    9. I just got to know that Miss April 2020 is an amputee. This is about body acceptance and I have nothing against that. If Playboy wants to be a voice for universal body acceptance then so be it but they should replace all the terms of the past with something that makes at least a modicum of sense in the current era. There is no play here, there is hardly anything for a boy and there is surely no mate here for him. Miss May 2020 is at least conventionally pretty but she wears large panties that never come off. In fact she does not even play around with them. This I found hard to accept even in the 60s leave alone now. At least a bare backside, a tiny fig leaf and above all a desire to undress completely for the viewer was the least bit I expected of any Playmate (except maybe in the formative 50s). Large panties with no hint at all of removing them is such a turn off for me as far as Playboy pictures or videos are concerned.

    10. So Playboy change your name to something that represents a social campaign as opposed to a men's entertainment publication, alter terms that go with it especially Playmate and then lets see an obese woman and a 60+ years old woman very soon. I have nothing against a trans-sexual, a bald woman, an amputee, an obese woman and/or a very old woman. It's just that not all human beings can belong everywhere. If MENSA refuses me membership they are not discriminating against me or trying to put me down. Similarly Playmate when it actually meant something could only be given very very selectively. There's no way the company would have survived for so many decades if that weren't the case.

    11. In case someone still cares or is at least curious enough like poor old me, here's the latest trio chosen for the social campaign.

    12. Got your point Deepak. I am a nostalgic PB fan. I am not interested in adding the trans PM, nor the big-afro PM into my collectio. I wouldn't mind if we just drop those PM and focus on the old-good-days stuff

  24. Everyone PLEASE.....stay safe, stay calm, and above all else, stay

    alive with this Coronavirus hitting not only here in the US, but the

    entire world. Take care all!


  25. is anyone interested in full Playboy DVDs?......if so holler.

    1. that sound great BBN. I have good memories about the PMoY series

    2. I've got most any of them that you can mention a couple and I'll get to uploading them! Also.....if anyone doesn't
      know how to burn these files to a DVD, feel free to ask, and I'll
      give you the complete instructions

    3. Let's hear something fellas! Who wants what??

  26. Am I the first one here to be sharing this terrible news? Miss March 2011 Ashley Mattingly has committed suicide. I am posting this after digesting the shock for one day. I went through the last four months of her instagram today and the collection of messages felt quite bizarre as a whole.

    1. Oh my goodness! That is horrible news JDee! Such a gorgeous young
      girl. Such a shame.

    2. I posted an email in the group thinking that it would reach everybody a week Monday when it was released. I guess she had alcohol and drugs problems and committed suicide in her apartment in Dallas I think. Hate to see people battle those demons and lose.

  27. just added what I think is a pretty cool post.....Called "Playboy's Portrait of". Check it out! 4 videos with a total of 8 gen-U-ine playmates!

  28. Alrighty then........if you guys are gonna leave it to me to pick which
    FULL DVD to post first......have to go with this one.........

    Full Playboy DVDs now up and running!

    1. Just added a couple of MUST HAVES, in the realm of Playboy Videos,
      to the newly created Full DVD folder......21 Playmates Volumes 1 & 2!

    2. One of my alltime favorite Playboy series.....No Boys Allowed!
      All 4 of them now posted in the Full DVD folder!

    3. Thanks again BBN for uploading all this videos. I prefer we focus in this material rather than in the new awkward PB content. Take my comment as a suggestion

  29. Also......if you click on the pic of the DVD, it will go to a larger
    picture to use if you have a DVD printer and are using printable DVDs!

  30. Here's one just posted in the Full DVD folder, that you might not think
    goes in here.....Playboy Celebrity Centerfold Jessica Hahn! "But Bob!
    Damn dude! Jessica Hahn wasn't no gald durned Playmate!"....right you are
    sirs! But .....Echo Leta Johnson sure as heck was, and this is the only
    place it could have ever been gotten from on DVD!.....enjoy fellas!

  31. Let's keep this "Celebrity" thing going shall we? Yes we shall! Newest
    post in the Full DVD folder.......Playboy Celebrity Centerfold La Toya
    Jackson! Which includes the video profile of the ever gorgeous Nehriah

  32. Dian Parkinson! Come on down! And bring Jennifer Lavoie's video profile
    with you! Newest post in the full DVD folder fellas!

  33. Patti Davis (Ronald Reagan's daughter) Celebrity Centerfold with Victoria
    Zdrok's video profile now in the Full DVDs folder!

    1. Ronald Reagan's daughter posed fully naked. Either I was not aware of it or somehow it slipped my mind.

  34. just added 3 more Playboy Celeb full DVDs, with Playmates galore! Check
    'em out and let me know what ya'll think!

    1. Oh Dian, I still have a hard time realizing she was just under the age of 50 when that came out. Still looked good at that age like my avatar of Elizabeth Hurley still does. What I wouldn't give to have Hurley pose now like celebs did 20 years ago.

  35. Playboy Video Centerfolds FULL DVDs folder now created! Check it out!

  36. 4 new Full DVDs of Playboy Video Centerfolds now posted in the new

    FULL DVD Playboy Video Centerfolds folder! Check it out!

  37. FULL DVDs of now 6 Playboy Video Centerfolds!

  38. Ok.....change of subject......Aaaaaaaactually......this is really more of
    a comment on a continuing subject..just HOW shitty have playmates become?
    take a look at this picture of Miss April 2020.....and may

    1. so no comments about a one legged 210 pound black chick being a Playmate?

    2. I felt shocked too. I dont know what criteria is followed when decisions about PM are taken. For me, PB died in 2015

    3. I'd respect that woman. I just dont find her attractive. I just think that PB is desperate of getting the approval of progressivism and being political correct

    4. Oh I respect her.....respect her just as much as I would any overweight, unattractive, woman that more or less forces the
      world to see her naked body. No thanks

    5. I respect her in that it would take a lot of courage to put herself out there in all her glory for the world to see and to be judge by it. I take it the way I have all the Playmates I didn't care for, she is not my cup of tea. Hef jr is trying to make a name for himself and to be inclusive which I get. I just think he has an uphill battle to fight.

    6. I can understand what you all are saying.....I'm just not that
      politically correct I reckon.

    7. I'm pretty sure, that neither of Hef's son, work for Playboy now.

    8. I am all for acceptance. I have no problems at all with her posing fully naked. My only problem is the Playmate title. If only they had retired it long back they may as well have done whatever the hell they pleased with hardly any complaints from my side. Its like making me a member of MENSA. Very inclusive and might please me but crucially it makes the title utterly meaningless.

    9. Yes Cooper left Playboy a few months back. Why it still exists and who it can possibly benefit is hard for me to understand. If it is paying salaries to its employees how the hell is it getting any money to do that?

  39. Bob,

    Big thanks for these DVDs. Too bad they are not higher quality. I know, not within your control since that was the medium back when they were released.

    1. Now Dopey.......yer lettin' your age show man! lol.....DVDs were
      the god send of videofoiles when they first came out lol. Not every
      thing is going to be released to Blu Ray ;)

    2. back to the Full DVD Video Centerfolds....just added a new one!
      Jamie Bergman!........

  40. Hi BBN
    is there any chance of rebuilding individual PM folders (as we used to have in the yahoo group) and or uploading the collection of home videos, please ?

  41. I've thought about that long and hard Arnold. There is just SO much content. I haven't ruled it out....just haven't figured out quite how
    to go about it yet. So to answer your question......most definitely.

    1. I guess you are talking about the PM individual folders. Maybe if you tell us more about the issues about organizing and uploading all the content we can give some ideas or help you

      What about the home videos?

    2. The main problem with the Individual Playmate that
      there are SO many of them. Each individual Playmate, would need
      their own separate "page" or post, for each of their folders. Not
      sure I know what you're talking about on the "home videos". Refresh
      my memory on those.

  42. an all time favorite of mine, and I'm sure many of you guys too, just
    added to the Full DVDs folder.....the one....the only....Karen McDougal!

  43. Newest member of the Video Centerfold Full DVD club? ......
    The Puerto Rican spitfire Christina Santiago!

  44. Let's all welcome Playmate of the Year for 2002, Dalene Kurtis, to the
    Video Centerfolds Full DVD folder!

  45. sigh..........I miss Playboy showing pussy

    1. I agree. The joy seems incomplete without that. During the last few weeks I have been obsessed with Playboy Brazil. It perhaps feels as good as when I got to know about Playmates for the very first time.

  46. It's twins time! Bernaola Twins that is! Newest post in the Playboy Video
    Centerfold Full DVD folder!

  47. Hello There can u post everything u have on brooke richards plus the full award ceremony of pmoy 2000 with jodi ann paterson?

    1. Hi Stratos.......
      if you look upwards a bit, you can read about the quandary we're in
      trying to figure out how to post individual folders for each Playmate.

      With in excess of over 600 of them, I can't very well simply add
      600 more pages to this blog, as I am sure you can understand!

      As far as Jodi Ann Paterson's full award ceremony for her PMOY.....
      Don't believe I've ever heard of it even existing.

    2. Tiffany Fallon joins the gang in the Playboy Video Centerfold full DVD folder!

  48. Let's all welcome the 2005 Playmate of the Year......Kara Monaco, to the
    Playboy Video Centerfolds Full DVD folder!

  49. When the "Video Centerfolds" series first began.....on VHS, Beta and
    Laserdiscs......the "extras" that were included, usually had something
    cool like a Playmate Flashback or something to do with a PB photographer,
    (almost always with naked Playmates in them!) As time went on, those were
    all replaced with video profiles of other Playmates. In the end, the
    last several, no longer had "other" Playmates, as virtually all of the
    last 6 Playboy Video Centerfolds, were Playmate of the Year releases,
    with the last 4 having only video profiles of that the PMOY's Playmate
    of the Month video profile. The last NON Playmate of the Year to have a
    Video Centerfold........was none other than the Bernaola Twins.

  50. and then there was the last in the very last video released
    for the home market that wasn't digital.....Sara Jean Underwood now is
    available to download in the Playboy Video Centerfolds Full DVD folder.

  51. So there ya go folks........that's all I have and I am thinking that these
    are all there is, of Playboy Video Centerfolds released to DVD. Best get
    'em I say. Price all of these on Ebay or elsewhere and you're talking
    about several thousand dollars. Enjoy!

  52. I think I'm going to add a folder with basically every else as far as full
    Playboy Video releases.......not to say FULL DVDs however. Just you basic
    run of the mill gorgeous naked Playboy gals in AVI format. I'll let ya'll
    know when it's up.

  53. Playboy's Girls/Women of.......

  54. just added 3 more full videos to the "Playboy's Girls/Women of .....thread.
    Hope I don't get crucified with these 3 because there's not a
    Playmate to be found on any of the trio. They are however 3 of
    my favorite all time PB vids without Playmates. What are they?
    Check and see for yourself! lol......

  55. 9 more full Playboy videos added to the Playboy's Girls/Women of thread!

  56. 3 new ones aded to the Playboy's Girls/Women thread!

  57. Hi there, the link of Episode 14 of Playmates! (!-s01e14.rar) is not working. Could you please upload it again? Thanks for uploading everything else.

    1. Sorry it took so long to reply to you Re-mix........all fixed now!

    2. and thank YOU for letting me know!

  58. So what's been up in the world of Playboy and Playmates fellas?

    1. Big Bob, Playboy has fallen so much and so has the activity in our group which is why it is no wonder that there is no reply to your question for five days. Well let me try throwing in my two cents at least.

    2. Recent Playmates and cyber girls hardly interest us as is well known. Ever since Plus stopped giving cyber girl of the month titles even that tad bit of curiosity is not felt anymore. Still consider this. It was pretty much impossible to expect Plus to do anything good but it seems they really did. It looks like they have included the entire collection from the Playboy Girls Network in their website.

    3. I have not been following the social media of Playmates as much as I used to for reasons that I will elaborate on soon. I do have some news though and it may not be very pleasing. PMOY 2011 Claire Sinclair has become a cam girl. There is a website called which is really helping nude models right now. I have purchased a month's paid subscription to Claire Sinclair there and a month's paid subscription to a Playboy Brazil model called Jessica Amaral. I also have free subscriptions to Carlotta Champagne, a coed called Cody Renee and her friend whose name is Laura. Its a hard selling game. The models keep asking for tips pretty much all the time. Claire is the worst of them. She hardly says a line without asking for a tip first. She is also doing simulation scenes which very few Playmates would have done to date. Sometimes I wonder if things have gone badly wrong for her on both the financial and romantic front and if yes then why. One method of earning big money is to run live streams every once in a while. I have attended a few of Carlotta's, one of Claire's and one of Cody's. Since Carlotta provides her subscription for free she charges $5 per hour to view her livestream. Cody does likewise. During the streaming some guys tip the ladies very generously. The other day Carlotta made around $2500 in one and a half hours or so. Miserly me did not tip a dime. At least the ladies don't call out the tightwads but obviously if you are not tipping then it's best to maintain a silent presence. Claire played for long with a dildo. Carlotta does not go that far but she does talk sexual stuff, act out positions and twerk. Often she goes skinny dipping in the bathtub with either Cody or another friend named Dare Taylor. Claire instead went swimming nude in a pool all by herself.

    4. Still that is not even close to what my obsession has been for what must now be the last few months. It's Brazil or more specifically nude Brazilian models. It started out with looking at international edition covers. Then I found a website which has full Playboy Brazil pictorials available for free. As I looked at them I fell more and more for them. I would go so far as to say the impact they have made on me can be compared to what happened when I came across Playmates for the very first time. As if collecting Playboy wasn't enough I also made a similar collection for it's nearest competitor, a magazine called Sexy. Right now it seems very difficult to leave these ladies alone and do something else with my spare time. I am just so completely obsessed with them.

    5. I would like to offer you a token of appreciation for all that you have given to me (and us) for the last several years. It's a collection of several links to my favorite videos of nude Brazilian models. Since they are not Playmates (USA) I cannot post them here. So if this interests you please suggest how I can send it to you.

  59. Nice to hear from you JDee! To be you said.....things have
    really gone South for Playboy......and as far as Playmates go....if chubby
    girls, transsexuals, failed models, and various other unattractive women
    goes......them too. It's a real shame is the best I can say. My obsession
    these days is to keep up this particular site, as well continue adding
    more and more to my "Playmates in the Movies" site, which is closing in
    on 2000 movies/tv shows with Playmates in them. Because of the lack of
    activity on here.....Playmate Video Links"......I don't check in each &
    every day, but be assured that if one leaves a message, it will be replied
    to eventually by yours truly. I love naked Brazilian gals too JDee.Such
    a diversity/mixture of races over the years, have culminated in some truly beautiful women for sure!

    1. Big Bob, thanks for the reply. I seem to have lost the link to your "Playmates in the Movies" site. Please share it again. Also you didn't specify how I can send you video links that do not belong at this site since they don't have American Playmates.

    2. No problem JDee........always have loved conversing with you. Here's
      the link to my Playmates in the Movies blog :

      ..........and I guess if you've got some videos of non-American

      Playmates, throw 'em up here and let's have a look. They HAVE to

      be better than what the USA boys have been serving us lately. Go

      for it.

  60. Something strange is happening. My comments are either not getting posted or getting removed after some time.

  61. I am posting everything again. Sorry for any repetitions.

  62. Firstly thanks Big Bob. I made a quick visit to your other blog. As before above all what I love there are the posters you have created - so stylish and tantalizing.

    Now here are the links that I had mentioned about. No American Playmates here. Only Brazilian Playmates and nude cover models who at this moment are probably even dearer to me than US Playmates. :)

  63. It keeps deleting my comments. Maybe there are some special characters that it has issues with. Also there is no way of attaching files here as far as I can see. So I am not sure how to post these links here.

  64. try just posting a link and let me see what happens

    1. Maybe one single link will work. Or maybe it has an issue with some of the links and not some of the others. Here is the first one.

      Panico nude videos :-

      Carol Narizinho stripped completely naked in a Panico das Academia episode

  65. What I'd suggest, if you're going to post links to videos that are streaming
    online JDee, is to use BING search rather than Youtube. For instance...
    "Carol Narizinho nude" in a Bing search in their video section, came up
    with at least 10 videos of her........most of which is nude. Try it.

    1. Big Bob, I tried the bing search as you suggested but almost all the videos that came up do not even feature Carol Narizinho.

      So I suppose you were able to see this one link. Let me try posting at least one more.

    2. Aricia Silva with five other completely naked ladies in a survivor type reality show from Panico

    3. Juliana Salimeni and Nicole Bahls at a nude beach

    4. Renata Frisson completely naked in a short interview

    5. Carol Dias naked in an adventure dating type reality show from Panico

    6. Ana Paula Minerato all nude footage from Panico including a public nudity adventure

  66. Ana Paula Minerato all nude footage from Panico including a public nudity adventure

  67. hmmm......interesting. Apparently, there a finite number of replies you
    can make to a post in this blog. I deleted a few of them, and magically
    others appeared.

  68. that being said.......I think that I am going to start a new "Let's Talk",
    post, and put this on in the "freezer".

  69. Thanks for the bing suggestion. Let me give it a try. Also interesting about the number of replies. So that explains the weird behavior I faced finally. I saw your new "Let's Talk" post but it seems like it's not clickable right now.

  70. That safe search tip works big time. Thanks Big Bob.


  72. Playmates are the most natural of kajirae. Each belongs naked, except for a collar, and with a brand in their flank.
